Below are the current projects by PP. Most are in a fully playable state, but may not be polished, while a few are still in earlier stages of design. Unless noted by the pdf or HTML document
icons, clicking on a game's title will take you to a page giving more information on that game and from which you can download it.
Role-Playing Games
Completed Projects
- Trials of the Grail – A game about questing, virtue, potential, and redemption, set in the high Middle Ages, or anywhere you please.
- Unknown Heroes – Gritty, near-future game about teenage superheroes. This version is quite old, but a revised edition may eventually see the light of day.
In Development
– A settingless, improvosation-driven role-playing game that uses competing player narrations.
- ABSQVE ROMA – A game about values, legacies and survival at the fall of Civilization. In open playtest.
- Coterie – The beginnings of a "kill things adn take their stuff" fantasy system, with a slight twist.
The West Wind
– Tolkien-inspired wandering.
These games are unfinished or very rough and probably won't be developed any further, at least not any time soon.
In The Court
– A game of social interaction amidst ambitious nobles.
Avignon Blod Theatre
– Early stages of an over-the-top action RPG set in the Middle Ages.
- Symmoira – A GM-less system that uses competing narations; succeded by Loqi.